jueves, 13 de enero de 2022

Hello there my fellow readers.

I've been thinking a lot on how to write the next chapter of this, our 8 sessions long unidirectional talking sessions, because its been kinda hard to write when you are not given direction

But after realizing the answer was straight in front of my nose I just decided to talk about it, so yeah, this chapter is going to be about directions in life and how to confront the unforgiving arrival of career development.

First of all, please take this with a grain of salt because (more than obvioulsy, but always necessary to remember to others from time to time) is my personal opinion on how to drive youselves along your life and probably not even remotely the most optimal of ways to do  it.

Now, advices being given we are going to focus on two points: Thinking, and execution.

I wanna start telling you that you get to develop and solidify in your mind that there is a very high chance that this carreer you are about to choose is going to be "what you do from eight to six, every day of the week, for the rest of your life" so please, THINK ABOUT IT. Think about it when you are on the bus and pretend as if you are going to this your job, or while having breakfast pretending you are about to go out to take the bus to go to your job, or while you are waking up just so you eat before taking the bus to go to your job, etcetera. Just do it, trust me when I tell you it is worth the shot just so you don't miss chances an money on the way.

Now that your aim is set on the blank, EXECUTE and put all of your efforts in it, since you don't wanna grow old just to look back and realize the opportunity you lost of having a fullfilling carreer just because you were lazy enogh not to study a few times in your life.

Pesimistic as this might sound, be wise and use it as a source of drive to push you forward in life, and I wish you the best.

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