jueves, 13 de enero de 2022

 Hello again my fellow readers.

I'm here again with the same problem of the week before, so I decided it would be more practical to just look around and discover the world in the chance of finding something interestig to talk about. And it just so happens I found the perfect thing to talk about: myself.

Now please don't take this too seriously, because obviously "myself" as your servant is not what I'm really interested to put in discussion, but the idea of "myself" as a coinscous being that is able to be you, the reader, or me, the writer, or even He/She, the labrat who developed the algorythms that code for this all magnificent paragraph I'm exposing to you.

Isn't it that the idea of "myself" has been put down for too long just as I just happened to do right a few lines ago? Is it just me or we are not used to love ourselves for what we are? Is this good or bad? Is this right or wrong? Is it even a thing to consider this good/bad/right/wrong? if so, what does that even mean?

First, yes. We live in the best time of history, with the best mix of technology, food and resources available and just imaginable to be on disposal to billions of people a few decades ago, ergo, we are doing a great job and we put ourselves down too much for this being the situation.

Second, yes, Third, kinda good, because if it wasn't for this being the attitude for the last recent years (and I mean by "recent years" about since circa Reinessance) any of this would have been possible in the first place. Can you imagine people still cheering to kings that just starve their servants just so they can have that last karat of gold put onto their roofs on a contemporary time? Yep, me neither.

Fourth, kinda right, because look around, and think about a great sentence said  by a very smart man: "If you are not really certain about the drive, look at the consecuences".

Now it being good and right means that this is able to develop itself without major interventions, from now onto the future and to me and all of you at the same time in equity. All of this, thanks to "myself".

Hello there my fellow readers.

I've been thinking a lot on how to write the next chapter of this, our 8 sessions long unidirectional talking sessions, because its been kinda hard to write when you are not given direction

But after realizing the answer was straight in front of my nose I just decided to talk about it, so yeah, this chapter is going to be about directions in life and how to confront the unforgiving arrival of career development.

First of all, please take this with a grain of salt because (more than obvioulsy, but always necessary to remember to others from time to time) is my personal opinion on how to drive youselves along your life and probably not even remotely the most optimal of ways to do  it.

Now, advices being given we are going to focus on two points: Thinking, and execution.

I wanna start telling you that you get to develop and solidify in your mind that there is a very high chance that this carreer you are about to choose is going to be "what you do from eight to six, every day of the week, for the rest of your life" so please, THINK ABOUT IT. Think about it when you are on the bus and pretend as if you are going to this your job, or while having breakfast pretending you are about to go out to take the bus to go to your job, or while you are waking up just so you eat before taking the bus to go to your job, etcetera. Just do it, trust me when I tell you it is worth the shot just so you don't miss chances an money on the way.

Now that your aim is set on the blank, EXECUTE and put all of your efforts in it, since you don't wanna grow old just to look back and realize the opportunity you lost of having a fullfilling carreer just because you were lazy enogh not to study a few times in your life.

Pesimistic as this might sound, be wise and use it as a source of drive to push you forward in life, and I wish you the best.

 Hey chaps!

Just here to tell you about how much of a great time I had while on the Gorillaz concert.

To give context, my middle school english teacher was a big fan of britpop, punk, indie and many other kinds of music coming from the tongue's motherland. Now it just so happened that I also kinda liked it but never really gave it a go until he showed me this clip called "Stylo" which was starred by one of my faorite actors of all time, Bruce Willis (Pulp Fiction's Butch), riding an impecable classic Chevy Camaro disguised as a police car.

Just the beat was enough to engrave the song in my head, and when they announced they'd come to Santiago, I knew inmediately I couldn't lose the chance to watch them in real life. 

Now, the show just astonished me because first of all, I never got to know that they were actually some Blur members playing in the scenario with huge screens displaying the characters in the back, and a show of lights to really give the event a realistic atmosphere without the real(?) characters being on stage.

Just found it amazing how tech has enabled us as humans to create such diverse things in general: starting from all the years of progress there have been on the audiovisual industry to give acustics more and more immersive sensations to AI being developed to such a point where you can be moving your body on stage, but being projected on a gigantic screen as a fantastic character.

And thats it for today folks!

A country I'd like to visit

 Going straight out to the point, I'd love to visit Argentina. Apparently it has a geographical distribution much simmilar to Chile's, but with the main difference of it being a lot bigger, and with tens of millions citizens more than Chile. This allows a lot more variety on culture, gastronomy, places to visit... basically it has more things to know than other smaller neighbour countries.

I'd like to visit three main places: Bariloche, which is where me and my classmates spent our graduation trip right before getting out of high school and I'd like to revisit it to see what has changed during the years; Mendoza, which my friends have told me is a wonderful metropolitan city to visit close to Santiago, since there is cheap quality stuff all over the place and gorgeous parks to know; and Tucumán, where they say there are the best empanadas in the world (or at least Argentina, because my granny's got to be certainly better)

Now, speaking of studies, I don't really know if I'd like to spend my years studying there because I'd most than surely miss my friends and family A LOT. Frankly spaking I havent even considered moving there for the sake of studying abroad or eveb staying there indefinitely, I see itjust as a nice place to go on a vacation trip.