miércoles, 29 de julio de 2020

A subject I enjoyed this semester

Día Mundial del Teatro: 63 años conmemorando el arte teatral ...This semester I take a CFG subject and I enjoyed studyng, named Teatro and it is strange because although this semester is online I learned a lot, I wait all week for classes. Every class we conect to zoom, practice relax exercises, we work the lips and voice.
When we have evaluations we present via zoom.
I discovered that I have a talent, because it is not dificcult for me the evaluations and I wait for challenges and news abilities.
The miss is very understanding, she asks always how we feel, and she tries to give pertiences in her subject, and gives us a good moment. Really I'm gratefull for having an oportunitty of enjoyed and learning and discovering a passion! although I have always liked teatro, I'm have never had de chance has this semester.

miércoles, 22 de julio de 2020

An expert On your field

I'ts very difficult to talk about someone in my field. 
But I can say that admiring someone much more than you could admire an expert. This person is my mother.
Her name is Francisca and she is 58 years old. She is very understanding and loving.
She was a mother at 30 years old, but she gave birth to me at 36 years old. 
She studied secretary at University and when she was young traveled a lot. I'm very gratefull because with her effort she gives me all I have. 
She is an animal lover, especially horse lover and cat lover. My mother always allowes me to adopt pets and she was never nosy at the school
Why I like her?
Because she is very smart, she teaches me and takes care of me. It´s a great example of courage and strength. I mention my mother because Im inspired by her and I she alwais of my mind and remindsme my home.

miércoles, 1 de julio de 2020

Singer I like

ROSALÍA - EL MAL QUERER Lyrics and Tracklist | GeniusIt is very difficult to choose a favorite singer, because there are many artists and musical bands. For this occasion I'm going to talk about Rosalía. About her I know that she is Spanish and the type of music she sings is diverse, but what I like most is a modern Folklor, she takes folklor and she makes it attractive.
She is a great artist, she dances, and has good music videos. I would like to go to a concert but I'm not a fan.
I like to listen to this music to do cleaning or household chores.
 I really like the album "El mal querer" this is about a woman who married a jealous man and she dosen't accept the violence. This album is based on a medieval book and the songs told a story mixing folklore with pop rythms. 
I like all songs of this album, but my favorite song is "a ningún hombre" it transmits me a power and also if you follow the story told by the songs it is very sad.

miércoles, 17 de junio de 2020

A photograph I like

Hello, today I present a protogragh I like:
It's my favorite picture. why? Im not sure but it is very cute, this photograh shows love, a secure animal and enjoying.
 I  love to think how this picture was taken, it could be a pet or a street mouse or field mouse. It reminds me summer, pool and relax. I feel a lot peace when I see this pic and I think about the moment, the flowers and nature. Who is the authore? I don't know, When was it taken? neither do I know but it is evident it's a good picture. I would give it a titlle, I would call it love and not war.

miércoles, 10 de junio de 2020

My best friend

Hi, my name is Daniela and today we are going to talk about my best friend, I had a best friend when I was eigth years old, her name is Katalina, but when I go to La Serena, we lost contact, although we chat and we have seen each other in vacations but we grew apart. I remember her with more love.
My really best friend for years is called Arles, she is my friend since school, I have experiences with her because I have known her for a long time, we were crazy teenagers, we always stay in important moments. She changed school in Highschool, we got worried first but it was better, thanks to that we met more people. In my family my mother loves her like a daughter, and her family feels the same with me. I love her like a sister.
She alredy has a little baby, I haven´t me a baby yet for prevention, but I consider the baby my nephew.

miércoles, 13 de mayo de 2020

I choose chemistry and pharmacy

When I was a child my dream job was to be a actress or something related to work in dance, in the highschool also I wanted to study Medicine but I allways chaged my mind; I thougth when I got the PSU score I could choose, but it was really confusing. Firstly I went to study busines but I got out because I didn´t like it. So finally I chose to study Chemistry and Pharmacy because this a allows me to have a deep knowlodge of the science and I see myself working on this, that maybe one day I have a company (I haven't decided  about what) cruelty free.

My staying at the University has been good because I have made good friends and I live with my grandmother, also I have learned the things that I want. So I don't regret it altought I miss my house in La Serena.

miércoles, 6 de mayo de 2020

First post; my autobiografy

Hello, as you know, my name is Daniela Gutiérrez and I'm 21 years old.
I have two sisters, one brother and three pets.
Up to fifth grade I studied in Santiago, that year I moved to the city, since sixth grade I have studied and lived in La Serena, but when I started University I returned to Santiago
During my childhood until higschool I practiced ballet. A present I don't dance but I like to ride my bike at the beach. I have a group of friends since adolescence, I like to make plans with them, going to the beach or to the valley, get together to talk and organize our parties.

miércoles, 29 de abril de 2020

practice exercice

Hi, my name si daniela gutierrez, I'm 21 years old. I study quimica y farmacia at University of Chile, I live in La Serena but I study in Santiago. I have three pets, a puppy named Humita and two cats named Nana and Grisi.
Now a days because of the pandemy  I stay at home, I have online classes and in my free time I like to relax watching Instagram or facebook. I also work out at home. To improve my English I will try write to in the English blog  and I will try to talk and practice at home and online with my boyfriend.