miércoles, 13 de mayo de 2020

I choose chemistry and pharmacy

When I was a child my dream job was to be a actress or something related to work in dance, in the highschool also I wanted to study Medicine but I allways chaged my mind; I thougth when I got the PSU score I could choose, but it was really confusing. Firstly I went to study busines but I got out because I didn´t like it. So finally I chose to study Chemistry and Pharmacy because this a allows me to have a deep knowlodge of the science and I see myself working on this, that maybe one day I have a company (I haven't decided  about what) cruelty free.

My staying at the University has been good because I have made good friends and I live with my grandmother, also I have learned the things that I want. So I don't regret it altought I miss my house in La Serena.

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